L96 Metal Trigger Box - Well
43,90 €*
Robuste Trigger Box aus Metall für die L96 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle. Die üblicherweise verbauten Trigger Boxen sind leider bloss aus Kunststoff gefertigt und deswegen etwas anfällig auf Defekte. Mit dieser Metal Trigger Box können defekte Trigger Boxen ausgetauscht werden, gleichzeitig wird aber auch eine deutlich höhere Robustheit und Zuverlässigkeit erreicht.
CNC trigger set for L96 rifles MB-01,04,05,08,14..., Gen.2
84,90 €*
Durable and reliable trigger mechanism is basic premise for a successful upgrade sniper rifle. Stock supplied trigger mechanism is sufficientfor basic springs. But when you use stronger springs, significantly increases possibility of the damage. Unfortunately you can`t avoid this even with cheap alloy triggers. Only steel machined mechanism can ensure the greatest durability.
The outer structure is freely based on the mechanism of PDI, but the internal structure is closer to the original mechanisms Well. We also developed own technical solutions and components. For example, construction of the trigger, bearing, location of springs, etc... This decision is purely practical, because it is the basic and most stressed three parts (piston catch, lever and the spring guide stopper) used for the original trigger mechanism manufacturer Well. Below you can find basic facts:
- Body made by CNC machining from light, but durable aluminum alloy 6061-T6.
- Aluminum parts with high quality anodized finish.
- Piston catch, lever and the spring guide stopper are made of steel and hardened to HRC48-55.
- The top of the trigger is equiped with ball bearing for the smoother trigger press.
- Axis are made of stainless steel.
- Two torsional springs safety returns catch to the original position.
- Whole trigger is made of 26 parts.
- Tested on springs up to M190.
- All spare parts available.
- Inner parts can be used in original Well triggers.
- Easy to install under two minutes. Link to the video installation guide in HD resolution on each packing.
- Complete set is designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic. Partial technical solutions are protected by copyright!
- Allow to use stock safety lever - news in GEN.2 from 05/2015
This high quality trigger set is dedicated for Well MB01, MB04, MB05, MB08, MB14..etc with the classic 90° piston catch. You can use it for stock Well or any custom upgrade pistons and cylinders.
Not fit on guns with 45° piston catch like MB02, MB03, MB06, MB07, MB10, Bar10, VSR10, series MA44xx..etc. Not suitable for M24.
90° MB06/ASR Trigger Set - KPP
113,90 €*
90° MB06/ASR Trigger Set vom Brasilianischen Tuning Teile Hersteller KPP. KPP Airsoft ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung hochwertiger Softair Tuningteile. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Firmensitz in Brusque, Santa Catarina und ist seit 2015 für seine herausragende Qualität der Tuningteile bekannt.
Action Army
Marui L96 S-Trigger - Action Army
129,90 €*
- Roller based trigger mechanism for light trigger pull under high spring tension - Quick-release spring guide stopper - Compatible with 90 degree piston - Suitable for Marui L96